Manufacturers needing to source custom parts, standard components and assemblies, and bring products to market faster, less expensively and more efficiently depend on J&B's years of experience in domestic and global sourcing. J&B proficiently and precisely finds suppliers with the right expertise, credentials, and capacity, and we qualify and audit prospective suppliers' history of quality and reliability. Our sourcing team travels to suppliers regularly to ensure the relationship and lines of communications remain strong, and to audit processes - maintaining your quality and delivery requirements.


Our experience with a wide variety of foundry tooling types can help reduce the time it takes to bring your products to market. We often find that the selection of the right manufacturing process leads to better parts and a cost-effective means of producing them. J&B has experience with patterns and tooling for many metal casting industries that can meet any customer requirement. Our diverse customer base has enabled us to adapt to our customers needs and provide solutions to their pattern and tooling challenges.


Whatever part you need produced, your supplier must have working knowlege of the various production processes in order to reduce cost and production time. Our vast combined experience in multiple industries and manufacturing processes is employed on every part to find you the best possible method of manufacture to suit your needs. J&B's dedicated global sourcing operations continuously search and qualify suppliers to manufacture quality parts for your industry.


We've developed strategic partnerships with suppliers and logistics services, which optimizes production, decreases manufacturing time, minimizes inventory, streamlines fulfillment and reduces cost. By managing the entire supply chain, J&B is able to provide products faster, while achieving the lowest total logistics cost. We monitor orders daily and are in constant communication with all companies involved in manufacturing and delivery, which gives you the peace of mind knowing your inventory demands will be met.